Thursday, January 1, 1970

Basebawful Report of the Month (4/30/15)

Hick Cady had 1 Good, 3 Bad and 1 Ugly

Bill Carrigan had 2 Good, 2 Bad, 1 Ugly and 1 Honorable Mention

Ray Collins had 2 Good, 2 Bad and 1 Jackass

Ralph Comstock had 1 Bad, 1 Ugly and 1 Hero

Rube Foster had 3 Good, 1 Ugly and 1 Hero

Del Gainer had 4 Good, 2 Bad

Larry Gardner had 1 Good, 1 Bad and 1 Ugly

Raymond Haley had 1 Bad

Olaf Henriksen had 1 Good and 4 Bad

Dick Hoblitzell had 3 Good, 3 Bad, 3 Ugly, 1 Jackass and 1 Honorable Mention

Harry Hooper had 5 Good and 7 Ugly

Hal Janvrin had 3 Good, 3 Bad, 3 Ugly and 1 Jackass

Dutch Leonard had 1 Good and 1 Jackass

Duffy Lewis had 5 Good, 2 Bad, 2 Ugly, 1 Hero and 1 Jackass

Carl Mays had 2 Good and 1 Hero

Mike McNally had 2 Good, 1 Bad and 2 Honorable Mention

Wally Rehg had 2 Good and 2 Bad

George Ruth had 1 Good and 2 Ugly

Everett Scott had 3 Good, 2 Bad and 6 Ugly

Ernie Shore had 2 Good, 1 Bad and 1 Jackass

Tris Speaker had 6 Good and 6 Ugly

Pinch Thomas had 3 Good, 2 Bad and 2 Honorable Mention

Heinie Wagner had 4 Good, 3 Bad, 4 Ugly and 1 Hero

Most Valuable Player is Tris Speaker with 6 Good

Least Valuable Player is Olaf Henriksen with 4 Bad

Ugliest Player of the Month is Harry Hooper with 7 Ugly

Heroes of the Month are - Carl Mays, Ralph Comstock, Heinie Wagner, Duffy Lewis and Rube Foster

Jackasses of the Month are - Duffy Lewis, Ernie Shore, Dutch Leonard, Hal Janvrin, Ray Collins and Dick Hoblitzell

Honorable Players of the Month are Mike McNally and Pinch Thomas

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